Southend Ornithological Group Records

SOG records for Nuthatch, at Hockley Woods, from 18 January 2022 until 22 January 2022, recorded by all observers. Records marked with '*' may be duplicates.

Species Site Date Count Notes Observers
Nuthatch Hockley Woods 21/01/2022 heard Bob Young 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 21/01/2022  Vince Kinsler 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 21/01/2022  Paul Griggs 
Nuthatch Hockley Woods 22/01/2022  Jeff Delve 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 22/01/2022  Lee Ebbs 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 22/01/2022 pair at feeding station Neil Chambers 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 22/01/2022 Minimum a pair at the old stump, with possibly a 3rd bird occasionally visiting, and another by the main south path cross roads Steve Arlow 
*Nuthatch Hockley Woods 22/01/2022  Paul Griggs, Mike Clarke 
Status: not logged in.