Southend Ornithological Group Records

SOG records for Nightingale, at Canvey Wick, from 15 April 2021 until 19 April 2021, recorded by all observers. Records marked with '*' may be duplicates.

Species Site Date Count Notes Observers
Nightingale Canvey Wick 17/04/2021 At least, singing and/or calling Tim Bourne 
*Nightingale Canvey Wick 17/04/2021 limited subsong only Jeff Delve 
*Nightingale Canvey Wick 17/04/2021 singing Neil Chambers 
Nightingale Canvey Wick 18/04/2021 singing at crossroads Stuart Bailey 
Nightingale Canvey Wick 19/04/2021 one singing and showing well John Wright 
Status: not logged in.